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DAFoam GUI released

We have developed a ParaView-based GUI to setup and run airfoil aerodynamic optimization with DAFoam. Check out this YouTube video We can setup flow conditions and optimization parameters in ParaView and hit a button to run the optimization with real-time post-processing. If you want to try this GUI, check...

DAFoam Slack workspace and YouTube channel created

To facilitate interactive discussion, we have created a Slack workspace for DAFoam. Click this link to join. In addition, we have created a YouTube channel for DAFoam related videos. The 2021 DAFoam workshop video recording has been recently uploaded.

DAFoam workshop scheduled on June 9, 2021

We will organize an online DAFoam workshop on June 9, 2021, from 9 am to 12 pm EST. The objective of this workshop is to get you familiar with how to run optimizations with DAFoam. To be more specific, we will go over the OpenFOAM and DAFoam configuration files (e.g.,...

DAFoam v2.2 released with Jacobian free adjoint

This release contains a major update that adds the Jacobian-free adjoint capability using automatic-differentiation. Added the Jacobian-free adjoint solution capability. There is no need to explicitly compute the state Jacobian matrix, which increases the adjoint solution speed. Enabled loading two DAFoam solvers in the Python layer,...

DAFoam Discussions enabled

We’re using Discussions as a place to connect with other members of our community. We hope that you: Ask questions you’re wondering about. Share ideas. Engage with other community members. Welcome others and are open-minded. Remember that this is a community we build together. To get started, post...

DAFoam v2.1 released with unsteady optimization

DAFoam v2.1.0 is a major update that adds unsteady optimization capability as well as new interfaces and code structures. Added the DAPisoFoam for periodic unsteady optimization (https://github.com/mdolab/dafoam/pull/62/commits/709dca5e461b137d397adeb40584beff63470594) Implemented an actuator point model for unsteady wakes (https://github.com/mdolab/dafoam/pull/62/commits/64730d10fbede533e64e85b5cd638cc20673ecc6) New boundary conditions for the oscillating velocity from...

DAFoam v2.0 released with major code restructuring

DAFoam v2.0 is a major update that introduces multiple features for a more efficient interface, better performance, and more modulated code structures. Rewrite the classes and member functions. Now each partial derivative is implemented in a child class of DAPartDeriv. Similarly, each objective function is implemented in DAObjFunc....

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